Sunday, November 1, 2009
First Day of 1st Grade
Friday, July 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Harland
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Well, since school has been out we feel like we have been running a hotel. For the last 3 weeks we have had family staying with us at varying times. I must say I am tired of washing sheets but we can't complain though because we enjoy the company.
Here are pictures of Katera sleeping in a box. We purchased a wet/dry vac for Harland for Father's Day and Katera wanted the box to play in. She cut part of the top of the box to make windows. Next thing we know she put a few blankets in it and tells us she wants to sleep in it. At first she wanted to sleep in the box in the upright position, but then after about 10 minutes she wanted it laying down. She initially fell asleep in it on our bedroom floor, but Harland helped me pick her and the box up and move it to her bed. Since then (4 days) she has slept in her box every night. She tells me it is comfortable because of all the blankets. I told her she would have to put it away since her cousin is coming tonight. She was a little disappointed but she understood. She wants to bring it back out after they leave. Hopefully when she is older she will aspire to live somewhere nicer than a cardboard box.
We had my company summer party on Thursday at the ball park. We got a picnic and a baseball game. It was pretty fun, but our team lost. Here is a picture of their #1 fan.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
An Easter Mullet...
This is my favorite easter picture of her from this morning. We told her the Easter Bunny didn't have as much money this year. She just had a birthday and doesn't need more toys. She was happy with what the Easter Bunny gave her and even said that he was really good to her this year. Happy Easter everybody.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Katera
Last night we had her party at the rec. center where Harland works. We had pizza, cake & ice cream and then went swimming. She invited a total of 15 girls, but a few were unable to come. We still somehow ended up with about that many. It was fun, but also kind of hectic. Try keeping track of that many girls in a pool. Luckily we had some help from some friends. Here is a complete picture of the gang.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Temple Open House & 100 Day of School
This one is pretty funny. I had to include it. It is supposed to be 100 pennies, but the "n" and the "e" were placed above the word. My friend that helps out at the school says it is due to the language barrier. Hey, at least the kid did a project....